The Tories seem to have nipped in just after Labour and taken the last humdinger, 'Vote For Change.'
That's it, everybody. All decent slogans are gone. Thanks for your time. Clear off Clegg. Nothing to see here.
Do I really believe that? No. Because I don't believe in this cynically contrived line.
I don't want to Vote For Change. I've got plenty of the stuff rattling around in my pocket where notes should be. Talking of which, there's nothing noteworthy about voting for change. A change is as good as a rest. So excuse me if I don't vote for a rest when a good hard kick up the arse will do this country more good.
It's just a half-arsed plea that cries, 'Pissed off with years of humbugs? Then try our Lucky Bag. We haven't a clue what's in it but at least it's different.'
I want to vote for hope. For light at the end of the tunnel. For stability. For some policies.
Trouble is, Cameron is that smooth talking sales rep with no product to shift.
And because I've only got change in my pocket, I'm definitely not buying.
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