... with a serious, buttery baseline...
I love food. Some cheeky monkeys may even say I have a passion for it. I love copywriting. Should go without saying, that one. And I have been known, on the odd... very odd... occasion... to love a bit of fun.
So when I came across this marvellous mix of the three I had to share it.
I could listen to Greg Wallace and John Torode talk about food all day long. I maybe couldn't listen to this all day long, but for two short minutes of wordplay magic, it tickles my funny bone as much as my taste buds.
But it's not just about wordplay. Copywriters could learn a lot from the way this video is edited. When trying to engage your audience, it's important to think about the pace of your copy.
Vary it.
Then draw them in again. Make your points then get your hooks in all the right places. Watch the film all the way through and hopefully you'll see what the heck I'm waffling on about.
Hmmm.... waffles...
It's from Swedemason and it was brought to my attention by Helen Reynolds or if you want to track her down on Twitter, @HelReynolds.
Thanks all round. Bring on the base. Or the bass... oh... pass me a choccy digestive will you.
Crumbs... it's the tasty, fun side of copywriting...
Posted by
on Wednesday, 29 June 2011
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