Sad but I don’t get much more pleasure than seeing the pull of a great big juicy brand in action; musing over what it is that gets the juices flowing; what they’ll do next to innovate. Brands like Howies for instance that, whilst they do sell good quality clothing, bang out a lot of merchandise from their campervan through sheer personality and strong projection of their values; brands like Apple who through outstanding design, illuminating innovation and an extremely charismatic CEO, persuade people to part with a little more cash than they really need to (I still mention Apple despite my Macbook's battery popping last week.)
But right now I’d like to celebrate the one-man bands, the husband-and-wife teams and the old school-friend partners who, for me, are still the backbone, not only of our economy, but of our sanity. I’m talking about the people who, through their very names, keep our collective peckers up with a smile; the Trim&Propers, the Beauty Spots, the Floristry Commissions of this world and of course, the three crackers you see here. All in their own way projecting a brand personality through their name, their staff and their service; laurels, which by very dint of their size, they can never rest on in the daily fight to keep the customers coming back for more.
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