But there's no denying that sites like YouTube, Vimeo and Flickr have more than their fair share of beauty.
The rise of The Creative Class may be erratic, may be eccentric, may be unfathomable and may be, at times and for brief moments, faltering.
But one thing's for sure: the rise of The Creative Class is unstoppable.
Of course, this social and economic movement isn't just blazing its trail through the arty stuff. It's marauding through science, engineering and lifestyles. You've only got to look at the wonderful TED to appreciate that. But right now, sites that give everybody instant access to creative thinking and talent are the pioneers and I salute them.
Get past the 'You've been framed jack russell falling off a plastic garden table' and you'll eventually unearth beautiful pieces of work like this from Oscar Sharp. It brings to light two things for me as a so-called creative professional and father of three:
1. I'll always believe that creativity should never be the sole preserve of people in creative roles
2. I'll always encourage my children to pursue what they love, not what I think the world wants at the present time.
Sign Language - a short film from Oscar Sharp on Vimeo.
Because no matter how big the Creative Class will become it will always be big enough to accept, nurture and cherish those outsiders who care for their craft.
1. I'll always believe that creativity should never be the sole preserve of people in creative roles
2. I'll always encourage my children to pursue what they love, not what I think the world wants at the present time.
Sign Language - a short film from Oscar Sharp on Vimeo.
Because no matter how big the Creative Class will become it will always be big enough to accept, nurture and cherish those outsiders who care for their craft.
If I read another comment that says “great post” and nothing else, I’m going to be sorely tempted to reply with: “post grates”.
This, however, was a great post in that it recognises the value of creativity and what it can do for other industries.
Whether the creative craft is imported or originated by these other industries, its value is immeasurable.
In an aged of supposed accountability, ironically, that could also be its biggest downside.
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