I've just discovered a great blog to vent all those writing urges that'll never earn two bob. It's called 330 Words and as the name suggests, it lays down quite a challenge to anyone calling themselves a copywriter.
That's because you have to write a fictional story in 330 words or under and be brave/emboldened enough to stick it up in the public domain.
Not that easy. But great on a number of counts:
1. It really hones your editing skill. An invaluable arrow to have in your copy quiver. The quicker and more efficient your become at editing, the easier it is to deal with your own copy critiques and those of your colleagues and clients.
2. It provides a breath of valuable fresh air; prevents your keyboard from becoming a mill stone round your neck and you from becoming a money-making extension of your keyboard.
3. It opens up your writing/ your work/ your pleasure (if you like) to public critique which can provide you with a completely new view on your skills - and give you another layer of thick skin, which never goes amiss in a creative industry.
4. Writing fiction is a great way for a copywriter to improve his or her copy. It provides new constructions, different ways to pace prose and of course provide a new outlet for fun - especially if you're starting to see copywriting as merely a job (God forbid).
Whether you're a copywriter or not, I'd recommend giving it a go.
You'll find the blog here.
You can follow the 330 Words people on Twitter here.
You can find a couple of my efforts here and here.
Parental advice: you might find a couple of naughty words amongst all that lovely fiction.
Go on... see if you can do better. But that's really not the point. :)
All work and no play...
Posted by
on Monday, 15 November 2010
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